Point of View

Task:  Explain how point of view is conveyed. 



Point of View PowerPoint

Understanding Point of View in Literature

Point of View Analysis .pdf

Practice Maintaining Point of View (Website)

Point of View Practice (Google Worksheet)



The two major points of view are first-person and third-person.


First Person

The first-person point of view is used primarily for autobiographical writing, such as a memoir.

(I, we, me, us)


Third Person

The narrator is not an active participant in the story.

(He, she, it, they)


Third Person Omniscient (all-knowing)

The narrator, along with knowing the events of the story, knows the thoughts and feelings of the other characters.


Third Person Limited

The narrator focuses on the thoughts and feelings of only one character. We may find an objective report of the events or we may learn of them from the viewpoint of one character. All other characters are seen from the outside only.


Third Person Objective

Narrator tells a story without describing any character's thoughts, opinions, or feelings; instead it gives an objective, unbiased point of view.


Second Person

You use the second-person point of view to address the reader  (You)


Fractured Fairy Tales uses the fairy tales you know and changes the characters, setting, points of view, or plots.


Compare the different points of view using this Interactive Venn Diagram.


The House: An original tale from the lesson author that will help your students further explore differing viewpoints and perspectives.



Read each passage. 
Is it written in the 1st person or 3rd person point of view?