HSSD Power Standard(s):    Apply Newton's three laws of motion.

                                           Analyze the effects of gravitational forces.


Essential Questions:

  • How do forces acting on an object effect that object?
  • How do Newton's Laws explain forces and motion in our world?
  • How do all objects exert a gravitational force?


Learning Targets:

  •  Describe the motion of objects.
  •  Demonstrate changes in motion.
  •  Describe forces.
  •  Explain friction.
  •  Describe gravity.
  •  Explain Law of Universal Gravitation.
  •  Explain the relationship between gravity and air resistance.
  •  Explain free fall.
  •  Describe projectile motion.
  •  Describe Newton's first law of motion.
  •  Describe Newton's second law of motion.
  •  Describe Newton's third law of motion.
  •  Explain Law of Conservation of Momentum.
  •  Explain the relationship between gravity and distance.
  •  Explain the relationship between gravity and mass.

Standard: Apply Newton’s three laws of motion.


  • Friction
  • Acceleration
  • Constant Speed
  • Velocity
  • Motion
  • Negative Acceleration
  • Momentum
  • Inertia
  • Mass
  • Gravity
  • Force
  • Net Force
  • Projectile Motion


  • Newton’s First Law of Motion
  • Newton’s Second Law of Motion
  • Newton’s Third Law of Motion




Experiment with each of Newton’s Laws of Motion to prove the validity of the laws.

  1. Create a project that demonstrates how an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
  2. Create a project that demonstrates how the force of an object depends on the objects mass and acceleration.
  3. Create a project that demonstrates for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Standard: Analyze the effects of gravitational forces.



  • Gravity
  • Mass
  • Air Resistance
  • Weight vs. Mass
  • Law of Universal Gravitation
  • Free Fall



Gravity is a pulling force.

Gravity is dependant on mass.

That weight and mass are different from each other.



1.  Demonstrate the relationship between

  • gravity–mass
  • gravity-distance
  • gravity-air resistance.


2.  Explain the Law of Universal Gravitation.


Standards reported:

  • Knows whenever an object is seen to speed up, slow down, or change direction we know an unbalanced force acts on it.
  • Knows for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  • Knows the different kinds of forces and their effects on objects.
  • Knows balanced forces' action on an object result in no change in motion.
  • Knows every object exerts gravitational forces on every other object. Gravitational forces are hard to detect unless at least one of the objects has a lot of mass.




Watch the BrainPop on Gravity

Earth got you down? Don’t worry, it’s got us all down — thanks to gravity! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby teach you all about the ins and outs of gravity. You’ll learn everything from Sir Isaac Newton’s famous apple to Albert Einstein’s theory that massive objects use gravity to “bend” space and time. You’ll also find out about gravity’s effect on tides, humans, and even the earth’s rotation. In addition, Tim and Moby explain the difference between mass and weight, and how the moon’s gravity enables us humans to weigh less on the Moon than they do here on Earth!


iTutor: How Educreations How To Video


Student-Created Videos Demonstrating Newton's Laws of Motion


Mohamed & Jaxson Kylee, Abby, & Julia Olivia & Jenna Paige & Raquel Courtney
Matt Jonah & Michael Sam, Nathan, & Hunter Trevor Andrew & Zac
Anna & Helena  Megan & Bailey  Keegan & Mason Alexis Katelyn


Project Requirements:

Vocabulary defined in video:

______Friction                                   _______Gravity

______Acceleration                        _______ Force

______Velocity                     _______Motion

______Mass                           _______Balanced/unbalanced forces

______Net force


Laws Demonstrated:

______Newton’s First Law of Motion

An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.


______Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The force of an object depends on the objects mass and acceleration.


______Newton’s Third Law of Motion

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.                            Score _________