Ch 9  Becoming a World Power 1880-1917



Imperialism is the policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories or nations.
3 Factors helped fuel the development of American imperialism:
        1.  Economic Interests
        2.  Military Interests
        3.  Belief in Cultural Superiority


Cultural Superiority - Many Americans felt that their government, religion, and even race were better than those of other nations. 


Secretary of State William Seward arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russian in 1867 for $7.2 million.


Two years after coming to power, Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown by a combination of sugar planters and U.S. Marines.


Yellow Journalism is a sensational style of writing.


An explosion aboard the USS Maine in Havana, Cuba was a cause of the Spanish-American War.


The Spanish-American War was a conflict that started over Cuban freedom.


The Platt Amendment allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuban Affairs.


A cavalry (soldiers) unit that fought in Cuba was nicknamed the Rough Riders.


Before the US would grand Cuba independence, Cuba had to ad the Platt Amendment to its constitution.  This allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuban affairs.


The Anti-Imperialist League thought people should govern themselves.


Spheres of influence were areas a nation claimed special rights.


The Open Door Policy meant that no single country should have a monopoly on trade with China.


The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising in China against privileges for foreigners.


The Panama Canal is a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


The Roosevelt Corollary was added to the Monroe Doctrine. It said that the U.S. would “police” Latin America.

Chapter Nine

Reasons for U.S. Expansion

1. Economic Interests

·       Alaska raw materials used for production of goods/sale

·       Hawaii: soul control of sugar plantation sales

·       Philippines give potential access to Chinese markets

·       U.S. companies could take advantage of cheap goods in Latin America

2. Military Interests

·       Hawaii is used as refueling stop for ships bound for Asia

·       Alaska: control of the northwest border

·       Spanish-American War highlights need for Panama Canal

3.  Belief in Cultural   Superiority

·       Christian missionaries move to Hawaii to convert local population

·       Boxer Rebellion: the Chinese upset with the European presence in                  China: showed resentment of outsiders



  • Two reasons the U.S. declared war on Spain:

    1.  The sinking of the U.S.S Maine  
    2.  The refusal of Spain to leave Cuba.


  • The U.S. required The Platt Amendment be added to Cuba's constitution before allowing Cuba's independence. The Platt Amendment authorized future U.S. interventions in Cuba's affairs.   Cuba also had to allow a U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay.


  • The Open Door Policy meant that no single country should have a monopoly on trade with China.