Ch 12 The Great Depression


Understands the causes and impact of the Great Depression on America

-      Stock Market Crash, Roaring Twenties

-      New Deal

                     -      Social Unrest: e.g., Labor movement, Bonus army


BrainPop Videos

Great Depression Causes

No need to get depressed--in this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will teach you about the causes of the Great Depression. Learn why the stock market crash wasn’t the cause of the Great Depression, but just another symptom of an economy gone bad. Discover why the prosperity of the Roaring Twenties couldn’t last, and how people’s spending and saving habits made a financial crisis inevitable. Find out why the 1920s weren’t so roaring for all Americans, particularly farmers. Finally, learn the difference between a recession and a depression, and what strategies the Federal Reserve and our government rely on to make sure we don’t repeat the mistakes of 1929. Diversify your portfolio of knowledge and click on this movie!



Great Depression 

The Great Depression was a tough time for everyone. Find out just how tough in this BrainPOP movie, as Tim and Moby introduce you to life during the Great Depression! You’ll learn exactly how many Americans were out of work, as well as some of the ways that people tried to make money and survive. You’ll also find out why the Depression was actually good for unions — and why it was especially bad for farmers in the Great Plains. Plus, you’ll see how people tried to keep up hope, and why things eventually started to get a little better. Even the worst of times pass on eventually!



Stocks and Shares


Stock Market

Ready to play the market? Find out what your parents have been babbling about all those years with this BrainPOP movie on the stock market! In it, Tim and Moby will teach you about the two stock markets in the United States, including which one is the largest market in the world and in which one you can find technology companies. Find out how a company can use the stock market to raise money and what people who buy stocks in a company are called. You’ll learn all about trades, including who can make them and how they work. You’ll even discover how brokers try to gauge the performance of the market as a whole. But, sorry — no investing tips here!



The New Deal

Want to make a deal? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby introduce you to social and economic programs of the New Deal. Discover why the New Deal of the 1930s grew out of the Great Depression. You’ll find out about the President responsible for creating the New Deal, and how it helped Americans get back on their feet. You’ll also learn all about the so-called alphabet agencies created in the New Deal, including what they were and how they contributed to the country’s rebound from the Depression. Plus, find out which of these agencies are still around today! The New Deal was a pretty great deal for all involved!




FlipCard Activity

Online Crossword Puzzle



1. Herbert Hoover was the leader who called for rugged individualism during the Great Depression.

2. Eleanor Roosevelt often visited coal mines and work camps to see how her husbands programs were working.

3. John L. Lewis helped organize the Congress of Industrial Organizations.

4. A sit-down strike is a protest by factory workers which they remain inside their plant.

5. Deficit spending occurs when the government borrows money.

6. FDR worked with Congress to pass a number of anti-Depression measures during the Hundred Days.

7. The Securities and Exchange Commission makes sure that companies follow fair practices for trading stocks.

8. Fireside chat - the talks on the radio by FDR

9. Social Security Act - a law creating a pension program

10.   New Deal -  the programs to fight the Depression

11.   Conservative - one opposed to government programs

12.   Black Tuesday - a plunge in stock prices on October 1929

13.   Speculation - the trading of stocks to make quick profits

14.   Dust Bowl - a region from Kansas to New Mexico that suffered severe drought

15.   Public Works Project  - a government-funded construction program

16.   Hundred Days - part of a session of congress in 1933

17.   Liberal - one supportive of government programs

18.   Bonus Army - in 1932, thousands of veterans streamed into Washington demanding bonuses that they never received.